As a visitor to Tymon from Bedworth in the UK this week, the first thing I enjoyed was the extra half hour in bed. (We usually start at 9am) Apparently it's to allow for the sun to rise, I used it as an excuse for an extra pint on Friday night!
The second thing I noticed, was how many women were running, every other run I've been at has been dominated by men, so it was lovely to see an almost 50:50 split.
The course it's self is two laps and all on path, meaning it was perfect for a few hardcore parents running with buggies. There was almost a surprise around every turn, one minute you're running by a pond with some kids feeding the ducks, the next you can hear the cars on the M50 what feels like 10ft from your head. There was GAA training, kids soccer training and quite a few excitable dogs. Who knew there was so much life at 9.30am on a Saturday morning?!
First finisher was Kevin ENGLISH (17:56), followed by Eoin FITZPATRICK (18:44) hot on his heals was Fionn CARROLL (18:49) who ran his first parkrun and finished 3rd.
The first of the ladies home was Sinead TANGENY (21:14) achieving a PB, followed by Sophie MC GOVERN (22:39) also a PB (and an impressive time for a JW runner) Pamela NOONAN (24:47) rounded off the top 3.
There were also a few milestones to note this week, Jessica MURPHY and Carmel RYAN both ran their 50th parkrun, and Olive O MALLEY celebrated her 100th!!
There were no course records set today, but of the 243 finishers there were 50 First Timers, 39 of whom ran their first ever parkrun and 36 PBs were achieved thanks to the great effort of the pacers.
I couldn't help but notice the encouraging voice of Lee from CoachApproach, a new running club, who were represented by 24 new runners, as they continued their C25K training. Check them out at
But it's not all about the running, parkrun are teaming up with the Irish Heart Foundation and Get Walking Ireland for "Park Walk at parkrun", a 6-week walking programme
Starting Saturday 2nd March and happening every Saturday at 9:30am at all 85 parkrun events throughout the country. All the volunteers at Tymon would be delighted to welcome even more walkers next week, so follow #parkwalkIRE and spread the word.
The warm and friendly environment at this run is testament to the volunteers who made it all possible
Adrian LANIGAN • Aisling COPPINGER • Alan CONROY • Alan FAIRBROTHER • Alan O'BOYLE • Caoimhe CARTON • Carol MCDONNELL • Conor WARD • Craig GUTHRIE • Declan HORGAN • Enda O'HANLON • Graham MANTLE • Ingrid MCGOVERN • Mairin OMAN • Margaret POYNTON • Nuala O ROURKE • Paul MITCHELL • Paul TESTER • Ray CUNNINGHAM • Shane REDMOND • Sinead TANGNEY • Stuart VAN DER BLIAKE • Tara JOHNSON • Tony MCDEVIT
Sharon Canavan
As a visitor to Brickfields from Bedworth in the UK this week, I think I still had the UK start time of 9am in my head. As I arrived to the park at 8.50 and could see no-one. I panicked thinking another run had succumbed to Storm Hannah, but no, a quick lap of the course and I found Run Director Lorraine MITCHELL, out clearing branches and debris ensuring a safe run for all.
It was wonderful to see more women than men running. I don't think I've been to a parkrun before with more Female finishers than Male, so bualadh bos do na mná!
The course it's self is four laps and all on path, meaning it was perfect for the few hardcore parents running with buggies. There were also some very good doggies ensuring they kept their owners on a short lead, and who were grateful of the bowls of water provided at the finish line.

I found the park charming, and actually very quiet. There was very little noise pollution, which is a welcome change, especially in Dublin. There is a fantastic playground, with some beautiful wood carved animals my kids loved. And despite there being no cafe, there was all sorts of refreshments available at the finish line, all brought by the wonderful volunteers. Teas & coffees, and even cake! What is parkrun without cake right?!
As the run started, the wind was fierce. I thought I must be mad pushing my two youngest around in a buggy and dragging my poor Mammy out of her bed, but by 9:45 the winds died down and the sun started to appear through the clouds, making for perfect running conditions.
First finisher was Damian KELLY (19:10) for this first time at Brickfields, followed by experienced runner Colm FLAHERTY (19:57), Conor MCHUGH (20:45) rounded off the top 3.
The first of the ladies home was Siobhan MCNAMARA (21:49), followed by Jennifer O'MALLEY (23:32), Isabel NUNEZ SIERRA (26:48) was the 3rd lady back.
There were 3 Junior Runners who also deserve a mention, Noah JOHNSON (31:44) achieved a PB, hot on his heals was Rory NULTY (31:58), and first timer Eabhann FARRELL (43:25), hope to see you, and your responsible adults, back next week.
There were no course records set today, but of the 77 finishers there were 12 First Timers, 5 of whom ran their first ever parkrun and 6 PBs were achieved despite the wind. Special mention to Diarmuid MCGOWAN (25:30) who completed the dreaded second run, and Cathy TRENAMAN (31:59) the most experienced runner on the course today (198).
But it's not all about the running, it was wonderful to see so many walkers on the course today also. Following a very successful collaboration with Irish Heart Foundation and Get Walking Ireland for "Park Walk at parkrun", a number of people came and continued their walking program. And that's the wonderful thing about parkrun, no matter what your time, or ability, you will be welcomed and encouraged.
Everyone at Brickfields would be delighted to welcome even more walkers next week, so follow #parkwalkIRE and spread the word.
A huge thank you to the team of volunteers who braved the storm to bring parkrun to Brickfields this week.
Glenn LOCKHART • Jp LONERGAN • Karen SLYE • Lorraine MITCHELL • Martina CONDON • Oonag O'MAHONY • Sharon CANAVAN • Winifred GREHAN
Sharon Canavan
As a visitor to Marlay for event #299 from Bedworth in the UK this week, I definitely enjoyed the extra half hour in bed. (We usually start at 9am) It's actually to allow for the sun to rise, but as I had convinced the girls I was travelling with to start our weekend with a run, It allowed for an extra glass of wine Friday night and time to coax everyone out of bed in the morning.
Upon arriving, I could see this was going to be a big run. Ample parking and a huge open area for a warm up made it feel like there wasn't that many people there, but by the time we rounded the first corner, I could feel the whopping 592 runners around me.
As I climbed the first long hill I started questioning my sanity. was a parkrun at the foot of the Dublin mountains really a good idea? Thank fully it was, as what followed was a beautiful and varied one lap course. At one stage it felt like the cars on the M50 were going to to cross my path, but a minute or two later the course crossed a lovely little stream, and opened up to the impressive sight of Marlay House, followed by a winding forest trail before running back along the model railway back to the start/finish line.
There was more sport on show than I could have imagined for 9.30 on a Saturday morning; children's soccer matches, GAA training, cyclists, tennis players even a group playing cricket.
And for the weekend that was in it, it was lovely to see so many Dads out with kids in buggies and on scooters cheering on Mammies.
There weren't as many junior runners as I'm used to seeing at parkrun (normally I have my 3 with me), but the 22 that did run were fast!! Leo SIMPSON (18:31) PB was first junior back, followed by Zach SILVERMAN (21:19) and Bed MAHER (23:58) PB was 3rd junior home.
First overall finisher was Alban COGHLAN (16:15) PB, followed by Mark STITCH (17:57) PB hot on his heals was Christopher OREILLY (18:04) PB who finished 3rd.
Normally I'd only list the first 3, but seeing as the first 5 home all achieved Personal Bests, it's only fair to also congratulate No. 4 Conor DEANE (18:12) PB and No.5 Rory GOLDSMITH (18:20) PB
The first of the ladies home was Paula PRENDERGAST (21:02), followed by Isabelle CAIRNS (21:37) for her first time at Marlay. Clara GERAGHTY (21:42) rounded off the top 3.
There were also a few milestones to note this week, Emer O'BRIEN (32:52) and Amy O'SULLIVAN (33:42) both ran their 50th parkrun, and Aileen WOOTTON (26:18) celebrated her 200th!!
But it's not all about the running, parkrun have teamed up with the Irish Heart Foundation and Get Walking Ireland for "Park Walk at parkrun", a 6-week walking programme happening every Saturday at 9:30am at all 85 parkrun events throughout the country. All the volunteers at Marlay would be delighted to welcome even more walkers next week for the last event in this 6 week program, so follow #parkwalkIRE and spread the word.
The absolute army of volunteers worked like a well oiled machine under the watchful eye of first time Run Director Delourdes SEYMOUR making sure everyone was well looked after.
Thank you to all who made it possible.
Aileen WOOTTON • Colette KELLY • David TREANOR • Delourdes SEYMOUR • Dexter HODKINSON • Ella DORAN • Eoin DALY • Fionnuala MCCOURT • Frank KELLY • Gladys OCONNOR • Ian ONEILL • Jack ADMIRAND • John KEEGAN • Kristina FOLEY • Lauren MCCAMBRIDGE • Liam ACHESON • Liam LAWLOR • Liam MCCAMBRIDGE • Lynda TUOHY • Margaret FLYNN • Mark ROWAN • Michael ROBERTS • Natalie RUSAN • Peter STAFFORD • Roberta ALLAN • Shane ROSS • Sharon CANAVAN • Tadhg SULLIVAN • Tony BRUNTON • Veronica STAFFORD