I'm slowly coming to terms with the phrase unplanned pregnancy.
I'll soon have another one climbing on me! |
Yup, that's right, baby number 3 is on the way, and although we had most definitely planned on another baby at some point in the future, this has come as a bit of a shock. I hadn't gone back on the pill after Daithí was born, because it fucks with my head, and I'm fairly sure it played a part in my PND with Fionn, so we decided to use alternative methods of contraception. Yet, somehow, with condoms, and me breastfeeding, I've only had one period since Daithí was born a year ago. I still managed to get pregnant.
On my first two pregnancies, I was sick from day one. The sickness never stopped, but got progressively worse until the boys were born, then it magically stopped. I was so bad on Daithí (you can read about that here), Shane made me write a letter to myself to talk me out of ever wanting to get pregnant again should the mood have struck.
This time however, I've been fine. Like totally fine, so fine I'm still not actually convinced I'm with child. What prompted me to do a test was my reaction to Shane asking one day when I had a bug if I could be pregnant. I nearly ate him. 'How the fuck could I be pregnant, What the fuck are you talking about, fuck off'. This massive over reaction made me think, shit, I might be.
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There we are now! 3 Months pregnant and survived The Wolf Run |
So we've been to the midwife, had a scan, everything's fine bla bla bla. I'm continuing with the gym, Slimming World (it's supported by the Royal College of Midwives) and Breastfeeding (despite Shane being on at me wean Daithí, I have no intention of stopping - the 'support' conversation with him is one for another day!).
I also decided to stick to my plan of doing The Wolf Run I had signed up to a few months back. It has been a personal goal of mine for quite some time, and I am so glad I achieved, before I turn into a giant preggo whale again and can't run for another year.
From a practicality point of view, the pregnancy has meant we need a bigger house, and that means a longer commitment to England. I'm still not sure how I feel about that, but I'll get to that another time. I don't have time for emotions right now.
On the wall in the Estate Agent's and everything! |
I really wish there was a class you could take that just explains in lay-mans terms what everything means. 'predictability', 'chains', 'conditional offers', it all means SFA to me, but you don't want to let on you know nothing, because then you could be conned, but seriously, like, what's the difference between a 'decision in principal' and a 'mortgage in principle', and why do they put negative marks on your credit score?
That's another thing I haven't managed to understand since moving here. My bloody credit score, I know what it currently is, but I couldn't tell you how it got there, or how to make it better.
The one thing I am grateful for is that the puking hasn't started. Yet. Everyone say's this must be a girl so, but, I'd be quite happy with 3 boys, we shall see. I don't know if it's breastfeeding hormones that are protecting me from the horribleness of it all, of if the last 6 months of Slimming World has helped me more than I know, (this is the first time I'm not starting off a pregnancy with an obese BMI.) What ever it is, I'm afraid to change anything!!
I'm hoping to write a bit more, but if it's a toss up between blogging and going to bed at 7pm, I'm going to bed!!
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Bed doesn't always mean sleep though when you have a 3 & 1 year old |
ReplyDeleteI know it was a while ago but was it ok doing the wolf run pregnant? I will be 10 weeks when we are meant to be doing it